Empowering you to build a better tomorrow through ​education, wellness, and awareness.

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Education:

Arm yourself with knowledge to manage diabetes and high blood pressure, promoting a healthier lifestyle and reducing the risk of complications.

Stroke and Heart Attack Awareness:

Recognize the early signs of strokes and heart attacks, empowering individuals to act swiftly and seek timely medical attention.

Heart Health Education:

Dive into the intricacies of heart health, learning preventive measures and lifestyle choices that contribute to a stronger and healthier heart.

Fall Prevention:

Equip yourself and your community with strategies to prevent falls, especially crucial for our seniors, ensuring a safer living environment.

Environmental Emergencies:

Learn how to respond to environmental emergencies, providing essential first aid for bites, stings, and many other types of environmental emergencies.

Safe Sitter Classes:

Elevate babysitting skills to a professional level, focusing on safety protocols, emergency response, and creating a secure environment for children.

Together, we're not just learning; we're building a community of citizens who are prepared and ready to ​make a difference in times of need. Because health and safety are not just priorities – they're the essence ​of a thriving community. Call our office at 512-290-3036 for dates, times, and more information!