There For YOU!

Flying Butterfly blue Illustration

-Because no one should face these challenges alone.

The Aransas County Medical Services, Inc. (ACMSI) "There For YOU!" project, is a comprehensive initiative aimed at equipping first responders ​with the knowledge and skills needed to address the critical issues of human trafficking, domestic and sexual assault, to promote community ​awareness of these issues and offer support services for the victims. Join ACMSI in our commitment to making a positive impact.

Training for First Responders

Training designed to enhance the capabilities of ​first responders in identifying and responding to ​cases of human trafficking, domestic violence, and ​sexual assault with expert-led sessions providing ​in-depth insights into the nuances of each issue, ​empowering responders to navigate complex ​situations with empathy and efficiency.

Raising Awareness

Collaborating with local resources and ​agencies can help us foster a culture of ​awareness and support, while also ​educating the public to recognize the ​signs of abuse and trafficking. By doing ​so, we can encourage a united front ​against these societal challenges.

Support Services for Victims

A support network for survivors of sexual ​assault, human trafficking, and domestic ​violence is vital to ensuring they receive the ​care and assistance they need during their ​journey towards healing. Access to ​community resources and fostering a ​supportive environment for victims to ​reclaim their lives.

Together, we can create a community where everyone is educated, supported, and empowered.

"There For YOU!" – Because no one should face these challenges alone.​

Cone Flower Artist:

F​aith Rice



Join us in our mission and be a part of our ​united front. Your donation will make a ​meaningful difference in the lives of those ​affected. Together we make a difference.

background of blue butterflies

Cone Flower Artist:

F​aith Rice


The Teal Butterfly

Blue butterfly
Blue butterfly

Sexual Assault Awareness Month was first observed in April 2001, to shed light on the prevalence of sexual violence and its devastating impact ​on individuals and communities. Sexual assault remains a pervasive issue affecting individuals of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

April was chosen as the month for this campaign to coincide with the spring season, symbolizing renewal, growth, and hope for change. While ​the teal ribbon emerged as a symbol of sexual assault awareness in the 1990's, the teal butterfly emerged as a poignant symbol in the early ​2000's within the sexual assault awareness movement.

Teal, chosen for its calming and empowering qualities, is a blend of blue and green hues; blue represents tranquility, trust, and empathy, while ​green signifies renewal, growth, and vitality. The butterfly symbolizes transformation, growth, and freedom from the confines of trauma. It ​serves as a reminder that healing is nonlinear, encompassing moments of strength, vulnerability, and resilience. Survivors navigate their healing ​journey like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, undergoing a profound transformation, finding the courage to reclaim their lives, and embrace ​a future filled with hope and possibility.

As we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April, let us stand together in solidarity with survivors and amplify their voices. By raising ​awareness and fostering open dialogue about sexual violence, we can break the silence surrounding these experiences, and empower survivors ​to seek support and justice. Join us in wearing teal and spreading awareness throughout the month of April and beyond. Together, we can make ​a difference.